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The Montessori Egyptian Center Quality Early Childhood services for all


Omneya Adlan (Arabic language specialist, printed material designer, study assistant, consultant) Architect, worked in archaeological documentation and design. In 2008, she earned her MEPI diploma. She
has supported children from under- resourced communities. She worked in after-school programs, curriculum design, and helping children overcome literacy and expression challenges.
Amira Nagati (senior manager, course assistant, English language specialist, study supervisor, consultant, M&E), MEPI-certified Montessori directress since 2011. She initiated and delivered a community-based Montessori program and family well-being outreach project for refugees in Cairo for 5 years, as well as working in several programs with Alwan wa Awtar NGO and other community service programs.
Heba Al Ashry (Administrative manager, special needs specialist), specialized in special needs education since 2001,
Heba earned her MEPI diploma in 2016 and worked in several MEPI-certified sites in Cairo.